Master's Degree Programme in Human Neuroscience, Master of Science
Students of Master’s Degree Programme will get a deep understanding of human brain function. They will learn noninvasive imaging methods to investigate brain activation and structure as well as behavioural methods to measure human cognition and performance. The Programme gives a strong foundation to work as a human neuroscience expert in various industries requiring knowledge and skills to tackle the complex brain-behaviour issues. Graduates are expected to find jobs, for example, in drug development, in companies developing novel health and game products, and in customised marketing research. The Programme also gives a strong basis to continue studies towards a PhD.
In the Master’s Degree Programme you will
- Learn to understand and measure complex brain functions at systems level
- Learn to measure human cognition, perception and behaviour
- Learn to integrate brain-level and behavioural measurements to investigate human performance in different contexts
- Gain knowledge and skills suitable for pursuing a scientific career
- Design and manage your research project
- Analyse behavioural and imaging data
- Work in international and interdisciplinary research group
Lähde: Opintopolku
Seuraavat toteutukset
Joint application period for Master's Programmes in English.
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science
Turun yliopisto | University of Turku
Turun yliopistosta valmistuu asiantuntijoita ja johtajia, joille valmiit ratkaisumallit eivät riitä. Koulutamme osaajia yli tiedekuntarajojen: ekologisia juristeja ja yrittäjähenkisiä humanisteja. Meiltä valmistuneet ovat kestävän tulevaisuuden rohkeita rakentajia, joille on kysyntää työmarkkinoilla. Kahdeksan tiedekunnan monitieteisessä yliopistossamme voit räätälöidä opintojen sisältöä omien...
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