Master's Degree Programme in Food Development, Master of Science (Technology)
The Master's Degree Programme in Food Development provides you with competence for meeting the challenges in the research and development in the food industry and academia as well as qualification for working as experts in e.g. food authorities.
The programme is designed to provide you with an understanding of the connections between the different aspects and functions of food. The application of food metabolomics and modern biotechnological methods in food research and food development is an important part of the curriculum. The curriculum also covers various aspects of food safety and European food laws and legislation.
The studies deepen your knowledge of the connection between the composition and the quality and functions of food. In particular, you will get knowledge on how various factors affect the composition, sensory properties and health effects of food at the molecular level. Studies consist of lectures, seminars, group work, laboratory work, self-study, examinations and written work.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Seuraavat toteutukset
Joint application period for Master's Programmes in English.
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science (Technology)
Turun yliopisto | University of Turku
Turun yliopistosta valmistuu asiantuntijoita ja johtajia, joille valmiit ratkaisumallit eivät riitä. Koulutamme osaajia yli tiedekuntarajojen: ekologisia juristeja ja yrittäjähenkisiä humanisteja. Meiltä valmistuneet ovat kestävän tulevaisuuden rohkeita rakentajia, joille on kysyntää työmarkkinoilla. Kahdeksan tiedekunnan monitieteisessä yliopistossamme voit räätälöidä opintojen sisältöä omien...
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