Master's Degree Programme in Biosciences, Master of Science
The Master’s Degree in Bioscience sis a two-year programme amounting to 120 ECTS. Both tracks, Evolutionary Biology (MSc) and Molecular Systems Biology (MSc), follow their own curriculum of courses. Courses will contain a mix of teaching methods, including lectures, exercises, laboratory and computer practicals, student-driven presentations as well as completion of an independent research project (MSc Thesis).
In the Evolutionary Biology track, you will get a strong background for working with phenotypic and genetic variation, both theory and practice. The practice focuses on bioinformatics and statistical analyses using various platforms, where a number of courses include hands-on computer practicals, to provide the student with concrete data analysis skills much sought after in both research and industry.
In the Molecular Systems Biology track, you will get a solid understanding of the theories and concepts behind state-of-the-art technologies used for systems biology research in a variety of molecular bioscience disciplines. Hands-on training provided in practical courses and research projects allows you to develop methodological proficiency in current systems biology techniques. The course facilitates strong expertise and active participation in modern bioscience research.
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Master of Science
Turun yliopisto | University of Turku
Turun yliopistosta valmistuu asiantuntijoita ja johtajia, joille valmiit ratkaisumallit eivät riitä. Koulutamme osaajia yli tiedekuntarajojen: ekologisia juristeja ja yrittäjähenkisiä humanisteja. Meiltä valmistuneet ovat kestävän tulevaisuuden rohkeita rakentajia, joille on kysyntää työmarkkinoilla. Kahdeksan tiedekunnan monitieteisessä yliopistossamme voit räätälöidä opintojen sisältöä omien...
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